
Embedded Programming Without the IDE

Command Line Workflow

There are a few things I should disclose before I get into this post:

  1. I am a lover of all things terminal.
  2. I am a big vim enthusiast (although certainly not an expert).
  3. I love embedded development.
  4. I really don't love programming in IDEs.

Unfortunately, for most of my programming education, I believed that statements 3 and 4 were mutually exclusive. Every embedded project I had worked on required the use of Keil uVision, Code Composer, Eclipse... the usual suspects. There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these programs, and in fact, they significantly lower the barrier to entry for embedded development. They're widely used for a reason!

That said, I was always slightly frustrated when I started a project by clicking through a wizard, selecting "Project Template", and seeing a bunch of mysterious files and directories pop up in my workspace. What did all that stuff do? Why couldn't I see what was going on? What was all this boilerplate code doing in my project, and was all that complexity really necessary? When I would express this frustration to teammates, I would often get replies like, "Well you can just read the datasheet and program all the registers manually if you want. Be my guest!" Teams can be snarky sometimes.

And so, when I began working on FreePulse, I began researching to see if there was a better way. Just before I had given up hope, I came across this wonderful blog post detailing how the author had built a Makefile for a project on the STM32F4 Discovery board. Seeing as I was starting my redesign of FreePulse using the same chip, I decided to jump in and try to drop Eclipse entirely. I'm really pleased with the result, and hopefully this blog post can guide other people who want to develop for embedded platforms independent of an IDE.

I'm going to do a brief overview of make, go through some specifics of how to use make to perform most of the useful IDE compilation functions, and show how you can integrate that into a very smooth development workflow using only vim and the command line. Feel free to skip around if you feel like you've got a good handle on how make works!

Introducing the Makefile

When starting out any coding project, one of the first things I do is try to determine the layout of the program in a Makefile. From the people at the Free Software Foundation:

GNU Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files. 1

make is pretty awesome. While I'm not going to do an exhaustive tutorial on everything you can do with make (partly because that would take too long, and partly because I'm still learning more all the time), I'll use it as a tool to outline the structure of an embedded program.

A broad outline of an embedded development project, in Makefile syntax, would be:

# Source Files (all *.c or *.cpp files)
SRCS  = path/to/my/first/source/file.c
SRCS += path/to/my/second/source/file.c
# ...etc

# Directories containing your header files (all *.h files)
INC_DIRS  = first/library/with/inc
INC_DIRS += second/library/with/inc
# ...etc
INCLUDE = $(addprefix -I,$(INC_DIRS))

# Any compiler options you need to set
CFLAGS  = -Wall 
CFLAGS += -std=c++11 # ...etc 

# Linker Files (all *.ld files)
LFLAGS = -Tfirstfile.ld -Tsecondfile.ld

# Tell make how to compile your *.c files into *.o files 
%.o: %.c
	gcc -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)

# Finally, tell make how to build the whole project
final_binary.elf: $(SRCS)
	gcc $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS $(LFLAGS) $^ -o $@

Woah. While that may seem like a lot to take in, I promise that it's actually very simple to understand! To break it down:

The last two blocks of this Makefile snippet is where the magic happens. These are rules, which make will use to compile your program. The syntax of a rule is:

target: dependencies
	commands to make target from dependencies

The first rule is a special kind of rule in make called a pattern rule. This rule tells make that if we ever want to make an object file (i.e. target = %.o) out of a source file (i.e. dependencies = %.c), we should use the commands specified below by the four-space indentation. But what on earth was that command given in the example above?

%.o: %.c
	gcc -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)

As we've mentioned before, gcc is a compiler; the -c flag specifies that we want to compile a source file, and the -o flag says that the next argument will be the name of the output file. And that name is... $@?

Turns out, there's one last little thing about make we need to learn: automatic variables. You can read the doc page about all the different automatic variables that make provides you, but we're going to focus on the two that we just used here:

So, after doing a little translation, we see that the pattern rule is telling make that for every source file (%.c) that we want to turn into an object file (%.o), it should call our compiler (gcc), tell it to compile (-c) our source file ($<) into the output file (-o $@) with some compiler options that we specify ($(CFLAGS)). Not too bad! You're already on your way to [groking][grok_article] make.

Finally, we have our last rule, which is where everything comes together.

final_binary.elf: $(SRCS)
	gcc $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $^ -o $@

We've pretty much covered everything in this rule except for the $^ variable, which is just another automatic variable. $^ stands for every file in the dependencies list, as opposed to $<, which only represents the first. A cheesy way to remember that is to look at the direction of the arrow! And armed with that last little bit of knowledge, we can confidently translate this last rule:

Take all our source files ($(SRCS)), and make them into a final output binary called final_binary.elf. To do that, call our compiler (gcc), tell it where our include directories are ($(INCLUDE)), specify our compiler options ($(CFLAGS)) and our linker files ($(LFLAGS)), and finally give it all our source files ($^) and tell it what we want the output to be (-o $@).

And just like that, we've outlined the basic build of a C/C++ project!

Make Make Work for Embedded Programming

Because of some of the unique aspects of programming for a microcontroller, we need to be a little more explicit with make about some things. This is where Liviu's blog post really gave me some crucial guidance; also, this is where we can see how building a Makefile lets us peek into the mystery of what happens when we hit the "compile and run" button on an IDE.

Firstly, we need to specify what kind of compiler we'll use. While you may have gcc or g++ installed on you machine, they are built to compile programs on your computer architecture. We'll need a special version of gcc, called a cross-compiler, so that we can compile across architectures to the ARM architecture. You can download it from this site mirror, or look for it in a package manager like homebrew (OSX), apt-get (Ubuntu), pacman (for Arch Linux), or similar for your distro.

Once you've got the cross-compiler toolset installed, the programs will
probably have really long names (arm-none-eabi-g++, for example). That's going to be a pain to type all over your Makefile, so you can make variables to hold the path to your tools. I used TOOLS_DIR to hold the path to the executables directory in the cross-compiler toolset, and then specified the tools I'd be using:

CC      = $(TOOLS_DIR)/arm-none-eabi-g++
OBJCOPY = $(TOOLS_DIR)/arm-none-eabi-objcopy
GDB     = $(TOOLS_DIR)/arm-none-eabi-gdb

Next, we need to specify the CFLAGS that will help us to compile our program. Liviu's Makefile was extremely helpful in that it logically grouped the flags, so we can get a better idea of what's going on. I'm not going to give an exact description of each flag (you can look up the linked docs for that), but I will give an overview of each group:

Now that we've gotten the CFLAGS straightened out, we can turn our focus to making our life easier when we need to configure the project. The first thing we'll want to do is specify our SRC_DIRS, much in the same way we specified our INC_DIRS. The benefit to this is that we can then add the following commands to our Makefile:

vpath %.c $(SRC_DIRS)
vpath %.cpp $(SRC_DIRS)

These commands will tell make to look in these source directories to find any source file that it can't find in the current directory. Now, when we specify the SRCS variable, we don't have to type out the full path to every source file. Instead, we can just list the file name with no path:

SRCS  = main.cpp
SRCS += other_file.cpp
SRCS += other_file_in_other_directory.cpp

Finally, we're going to put all this make knowledge to good use and put together a few more rules. Now that we have this great Makefile structure, making new rules is a breeze:


%.o: %.c 
	$(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)

$(PROJ_NAME).elf: $(SRCS)
	$(CC) $(INCLUDE) $(DEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $^ -o $@ 
	$(OBJCOPY) -O ihex $(PROJ_NAME).elf   $(PROJ_NAME).hex
	$(OBJCOPY) -O binary $(PROJ_NAME).elf $(PROJ_NAME).bin

	rm -f *.o $(PROJ_NAME).elf $(PROJ_NAME).hex $(PROJ_NAME).bin

	st-flash write $(PROJ_NAME).bin 0x8000000

Awesome! Now we've got a powerful suite of make rules. Let's see what we can do now:

Using these tools, we have made a master Makefile that does all the heavy lifting of getting our sources, include paths, and configurations for ARM straightened out. Now we can focus on coding! Check out the FreePulse repository for a real-world example of the Makefile we just outlined.

Coming Soon...

In my next blog post, I'm going to cover how you can use vim and the youcompleteme autocompletion engine and syntax checker to build a light and powerful coding workspace. Later in that post, I'll also cover how to build a simple command line console logger using the USART interface on the STM32F4.

Hopefully these posts will serve as useful references for how to begin an embedded development project independent of an IDE! Feel free to check out the FreePulse repository to see code examples of how this is implemented in a project.